Standards Resources - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Standards Resources

The quest for quality has led health professionals to embrace the use of best practices in both clinical care and administrative operations

Standards serve as a framework to ensure that systems, policies and procedures are in keeping with nationally recognized best practices, and compliance with standards ensures that everyone on the team knows what is expected and how to achieve it.

NCCHC’s leadership in setting standards for correctional health care is unsurpassed, rooted in long experience, deep knowledge and invaluable contributions from the leading experts in the fields of health, law and corrections. As health care evolves, so too do the Standards, keeping them relevant and responsive to contemporary concerns and practices.

The Commission also develops and maintains position statements on medical, technical, ethical and managerial issues not fully covered in the Standards. These position statements assist correctional facilities in designing policies and procedures on timely topics such as managing chronic pain, restraint of pregnant inmates, transgender health care and violence prevention.

We also offer a repository of guidelines, management tools and white papers from experts in a variety of topics. These include the appendices formerly published in the the NCCHC Standards for Health Services.