Position Statements - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Position Statements

The National Commission's position statements express NCCHC's expert opinion on important issues that are not addressed in the Standards.

Along with the Standards, these statements may assist correctional facilities in designing policies and procedures. (Please see disclaimer at bottom of page.)

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Important Disclaimer

Position statements that are approved by the National Commission on Correctional Health Care Governance Board are typically generated from NCCHC committees, comprised of experts in multiple disciplines. Once approved by the Governance Board, they become official positions and guidance of NCCHC. In no sense do they represent NCCHC standards. The applicability of position statements, as guidance for appropriate health services, must be determined by the relevant authorities considering all relevant circumstances. Adherence to these position statements will not ensure successful outcomes in every situation. As with all NCCHC guidance, position statements should not be deemed inclusive of all proper health services or methods of care, nor exclusive of other decisions reasonably directed to obtaining the same results. Position statements are not intended to and should not be treated as legal, medical, or business mandates. Statements are reviewed and, as necessary, revised at least every five years, or allowed to expire. An expired statement no longer represents NCCHC’s position. (rev. 3/11/21)