News - National Commission on Correctional Health Care
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Never say graphic
To prevent lawsuits, avoid referring to rules, mandates, and inflexible protocols.
2022 CCHP Logo 4c
169 individuals earned their CCHPs in the second quarter, representing the best second quarter recorded.
breastfeeding mother
NCCHC supports and recommends making accommodations for nursing individuals in custody,
Scholarship winners and mentors Spring 2023
Get inspired by the most recent NCCHC Foundation conference scholarship winners.
Todd Kramer blog size kinda 2 prob better
“I hope to inspire others on my team to pursue certification too.”
2023 Guidelines for Managing Substance Withdrawal in Jails: released by US Department of Justice
Never say graphic
To prevent lawsuits, avoid referring to rules, mandates, and inflexible protocols.
2022 CCHP Logo 4c
169 individuals earned their CCHPs in the second quarter, representing the best second quarter recorded.
breastfeeding mother
NCCHC supports and recommends making accommodations for nursing individuals in custody,
Scholarship winners and mentors Spring 2023
Get inspired by the most recent NCCHC Foundation conference scholarship winners.
Todd Kramer blog size kinda 2 prob better
“I hope to inspire others on my team to pursue certification too.”
2023 Guidelines for Managing Substance Withdrawal in Jails: released by US Department of Justice