Medical Diets - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Medical Diets

Standard F-02 Medical Diets has requirements only for the availability of medical diets. Medical diets are defined as special diets ordered for temporary or permanent health conditions that restrict the types, preparation and/or amounts of food. The medical diets addressed in this standard do not include special diets ordered for religious or security reasons.

— From CorrectCare Volume 28, Issue 3, Summer 2014

Standard F-02 requires that medical diets are provided that enhance a patient’s health and are modified when necessary to meet specific requirements related to clinical conditions. Its intent is that the diet-related health needs of the individual are met. Medical diets are defined as special diets ordered for temporary or permanent health conditions that restrict the types, preparation and/or amounts of food. Examples of such diets include restricted calorie, low sodium, low fat, pureed, soft, liquid and nutritional supplementation diets. The type of diet that is medically necessary is a decision that must be made by the providers at your facility. The Standards do not specify which diets must be available, only that they are provided when required by their clinical condition.

— From CorrectCare Volume 28, Issue 1, Winter 2014