Advertising Opportunities - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Advertising Opportunities

Advertise in one of NCCHC's publications to reach a broad spectrum of professionals who make and influence decisions about health care in corrections.

Choose from among these options. To discuss the right publication to reach your target audience, contacts [email protected].  

To learn more about all of NCCHC’s advertising, sponsorship, and exhibiting opportunities, see our current Marketing Guide.

CorrectCare Extra®

NCCHC’s e-newsletter is designed for the way readers consume content today.

CorrectCare Extra is emailed to 30,000+ correctional health professionals every other week — 26 issues a year — to keep them informed of industry news and important NCCHC updates. CorrectCare Extra uses artificial intelligence to deliver the most pertinent news to each individual reader, based on their past newsletter reading preferences.

Advertise with an eye-catching banner ad or through a teaser linked to your own sponsored thought leadership content. 


CorrectCare® is the ONLY magazine published for the correctional health field. Reach your target audience of health care professionals via this focused, trusted and unique publication. It features news, articles, and commentary on timely and important topics. Each issue also shares news from NCCHC and its supporting organizations.

CorrectCare® is distributed for free in print (circulation 7,000) and digital (more than 20,000) formats to Certified Correctional Health Professionals, NCCHC-accredited facilities, members of the Academy of Correctional Health Professionals, and other qualified recipients.

Journal of Correctional Health Care

NCCHC’s bimonthly journal packs a big impact. Now published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., the Journal of Correctional Health Care is the only national, peer-reviewed scientific journal to focus on this complex and evolving field. Targeting clinicians, allied health practitioners, and administrators, it is the primary resource for the latest research and developments in this field.

Your message will reach a large audience of highly engaged subscribers, including many institutional subscribers as well as members of the Academy of Correctional Health Professionals. Enjoy bonus distribution at NCCHC conferences.

For complete information and to customize an advertising strategy, contact Joann Mitchell, global sales manager, at 973-464-3602 or [email protected].

Web Retargeting: Guaranteed Digital Reach to NCCHC's Online Audience

Retarget our audience of correctional health professionals with your message and exponentially increase your visibility to the right people. Our audience becomes your audience with retargeting. Access NCCHC website visitors and retarget them with your digital ads anywhere they visit online.

How it works: You provide up to four standard digital ad sizes. NCCHC does the rest. Your ad will appear on brand-safe sites across the internet to put your message wherever our visitors go. Access real-time reports showing number of impressions, clicks, and geographical reach.

STEP 1. Prospects visit NCCHC website

STEP 2. Your ad is served to them on other websites they visit.

STEP 3. Interested readers click on your ad and go to your site.

To learn more about this opportunity, contact [email protected].

With NCCHC Mailing Lists, Direct Mail Works!

Visit InFocus Marketing for NCCHC mailing lists that reach thousands of prospects in all sectors of correctional health care.