Accreditation FAQs - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Accreditation FAQs

By policy, NCCHC does not release such lists, nor can it respond to inquiries as to whether a given facility is accredited. Please contact facilities directly for that information.

Absolutely! NCCHC accredits facilities of all shapes and sizes, including those with as few as 20 beds and as many as 10,000 beds.

After NCCHC receives your accreditation application, we will send you a self-survey questionnaire (SSQ), which is a self-assessment tool that you can use to determine compliance with the standards. The SSQ is a useful guide when preparing for your survey and can serve as your workbook to keep track of your assessment and the areas needing enhancement prior to your survey. Approximately 9-10 months after you have applied for accreditation, NCCHC’s scheduler will reach out to schedule your survey. Initial surveys will need to have at least 12 months of documentation prior to being scheduled and reaccreditation survey will need 36 months of documentation.

NCCHC takes a practical approach to the accreditation process. Only those standards that apply to your facility are employed in the evaluation. For instance, if your facility does not have an infirmary then the standard on infirmary care is omitted from the survey. Similarly, if a facility does not house female inmates, the standard on care of the pregnant inmate is omitted.

The nonrefundable application fee is $400. The actual cost of accreditation is based on the facility type (i.e., jail, prison, juvenile), its average daily population, whether it has satellite operations, what special medical or mental health services it provides and other factors. Using this information, we will provide an estimate of accreditation fees. After accreditation has been achieved, there is a subsequent annual fee.

Contact Richard Forbus, Vice President of Business Development, at [email protected] or 773-880-1460, ext. 273.