Continuity of Care - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Continuity of Care

In standard E-09 Continuity, Coordination, and Quality of Care During Incarceration, compliance indicator #6 requires that treatment plans, including test results, are shared with patients. Engaging patients in their treatment plans leads to better compliance to ordered care and better treatment results. Although it can be difficult to get results from outside providers, the lack of communication for normal and abnormal findings would not meet the intent of the standard. Facilities must find ways to share information with each other and with the patient.

— From CorrectCare Volume 33, Issue 4, Fall 2019

Standard E-12 Continuity and Coordination of Care During Incarceration requires that the clinician reviews the findings of specialty consultations and diagnostic tests with the patient in a timely manner. I understand your concern with having each patient return to the clinic for results that are within normal limits. However, the absence of communication for negative or normal findings does not meet the intent of the standard. This presents a risk that information will not be communicated.

One acceptable option that is used by some facilities is a paper notification for results within normal limits with documentation in the health record of the communication. This would eliminate the need to call every patient back to the clinic, yet provide the patient with the results.

— From CorrectCare Volume 29, Issue 3, Summer 2015

NCCHC is not aware of such practice. The standard on Continuity of Care (E-12) requires that when an inmate returns from an emergency room visit (or hospital stay), the physician sees the patient, reviews the discharge orders and issues follow-up orders as clinically indicated. You should consult with legal counsel to check for local statute or regulation that may impact on this issue.

— From CorrectCare Volume 27, Issue 1, Winter 2013

No, the standard does not require an annual health assessment. The responsible physician determines the frequency and content of periodic health assessments based on protocols promulgated by nationally recognized professional organizations. Periodic assessments are likely based on age, gender and risk factors. Certain elements of the assessment, such as mammogram or prostate exam, are repeated at appropriate frequencies.
— From CorrectCare Volume 22, Issue 3, Summer 2008